Happy Holidays!

The holidays are a busy time of year devoted to family and friends. Hobby time declines and progress often grinds to a halt as our free time fills with parties and preparations. It’s been a great year as my wife and I moved into our own place with an ample hobby space. Many projects have worked towards completion and the HO scale B&O Wheeling Freight Terminal layout moves closer to operation. Thank you for checking in here on projects and progress. More excitement is just around the corner in 2014.

While I’m quite happy with the layout and model progress, I am not happy with this blog. I use WordPress software through my web host, but they stopped upgrading the versions a few months ago. Now I need to download the software and flesh out the blog on the home computer before uploading to the web host for viewing here. It may take a week or two of free time, learning, and tweaking before the next blog update, but there should be a new page design and an improved comment area. This seems like a huge bother to me right now, but I can see this is really a benefit if there is ever a problem at Mission Control, i.e. the web host. Building the blog on my computer means I’ll have all content ready to roll out at anywhere else if it needs to relocate, or if the web host has a hiccup and loses everything. Some readers may recall a web host hiccup a couple of years ago that wiped out many early posts.

So we live, we learn, we update the software, and we move right along. I’m looking forward to 2014 and sharing more of the hobby journey. If you have a comment, feel free to drop me an email at 43admin at hansmanns dot org, just remove the spaces and substitute @ for ‘at’ and a . for ‘dot’, and it should work fine.

All the best to you, your families, and your railroad crews in 2014!

– – Eric

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