I think many of us are ready to shake off the winter weather. I hope you have been keeping busy pushing projects forward on your workbench and layout. Railroad Prototype Modeler (RPM) season is just around the corner!
Continue reading “RPM season!”Notes on Designing, Building, and Operating Model Railroads
A hobby adventure
I think many of us are ready to shake off the winter weather. I hope you have been keeping busy pushing projects forward on your workbench and layout. Railroad Prototype Modeler (RPM) season is just around the corner!
Continue reading “RPM season!”I attended the 2024 Mid Atlantic Railroad Prototype Modeler (MARPM) event in metro Baltimore recently. In addition to the model railroad activities, I found the Heavy Seas brewery tap room just a few minutes from the hotel. But I know you are here for the model railroad stuff, so off we go!.
Continue reading “2024 Mid Atlantic RPM report”I don’t know if you realize this, but we have turned the corner and landed in Railroad Prototype Modeler (RPM) season!
Continue reading “RPM season!!”My Sweetie recently attended a conference in Baltimore, so I tagged along. I spent most of a Monday wandering around the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Museum.
Continue reading “At the B&O Railroad Museum”I recently attended an operating session on Jim Leighty’s HO scale Central New York & New England Railroad. I kept busy through much of the session. Jim has several industrial switching areas on the layout that will keep a crew member busy.
Continue reading “Boomer Operator – Central New York & New England”