I’m sure a few readers are wondering why I’m promoting 2024 railroad prototype modeler (RPM) events ten days before Christmas. Well, the event calendar picks up in January!
Continue reading “2024 RPM calendar”Notes on Designing, Building, and Operating Model Railroads
A hobby adventure
I’m sure a few readers are wondering why I’m promoting 2024 railroad prototype modeler (RPM) events ten days before Christmas. Well, the event calendar picks up in January!
Continue reading “2024 RPM calendar”As 2022 winds down, here’s a reminder to check the 2023 Railroad Prototype Modeler (RPM) event calendar before you’re swamped with the holiday spirit. It’s a fine time to plan attending one or more in the New Year.
Continue reading “Upcoming RPM events”As we turn the corner into the last few months of 2022, the RPM calendar has several events scheduled through October. Check the calendar for an RPM near you and make plans to attend.
The joint convention of the L&N and Southern historical groups was recently added. Several RPM presentations and a model display area are part of the Chattanooga event. The convention will be held at the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum, which will also host a couple events.
A few 2023 events have been announced, too. For your long term planning, save the October 27 & 28 dates for the Naperville RPM! It will be held in the Northern Illinois University conference center just mile or so from previous locations of this long running Chicago event. More details will be shared coming in early 2023.
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Brian Ehni attended the Red River RPM near Fort Worth on June 25th. He sent along a few images and notes on the event. Here’s Brian with the report.
We were in the Grand Ballroom of the Forest Hill Civic Center, with clinics in room 202 and a nearby break room. The room was pretty large. They had free water and soft drinks in the kitchen, which were paid for by the $20 entrance fee.
Continue reading “Red River RPM and more”A few face-to-face Railroad Prototype Modeler (RPM) events are ahead on the calendar. The Reading modelers meet this weekend while the Central Ohio and Carolinas events are next weekend. An RPM in Los Angeles closes the year. Check the RPM calendar for dates, locations, and links.
Continue reading “RPM Update”