Prototype inside stake wood gondolas

Prototype gondola designs ran the gamut with wood and steel components. These cars were everywhere in the early 20th century and had many different features. Steve Hedlund has gathered details for an inside stake wood gondola review. This design was popular with a number of railroads. The Missouri Pacific rostered 6,000 of these at one time. Steve covers several other railroads plus a few gondolas that look similar but had slight differences. Westerfield Models offers an HO scale kit for this type of gondola.

This resource PDF document is available on the Freight Car Fleets page. We hope you find it useful to add a couple more gondolas to the fleet.

Many thanks to Steve Hedlund for this fine prototype car review.

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2 comments on “Prototype inside stake wood gondolas

  1. Michael Hohn on said:

    Interesting car. Rather conservative in design for the 20th century. Largely restricted to the midwestern and western lines. The eastern lines had long been rostering drop bottom gons and by 1900 the self clearing hoppers.

    Are you going to get some for your layout? Maybe the B&O cars?


    • Eric Hansmann on said:

      Thanks for your observations, Mike. From what I can find, the B&O hardly had any of these by 1926. I suspect the CC&S cars, which became Coal & Coke, were well worn by the time the B&O acquired the Coal & Coke. They also didn’t fit in well with other gondolas in the B&O fleet. All steel cars became the preference in the Teens, based upon the info I found for the B&O fleet gondola review posted in the resources links here. – Eric H.

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