Online model displays

Malcolm Houck displays his HO scale scratchbuilt NYO&W steam locos at the 2023 Northeast RPM.

One of my favorite parts of a Railroad Prototype Modeler meet (RPM) is the model display room. I find great inspiration among the tables of models and always bring home new ideas that move projects on my workbench.

I’ve completed a few models over the years and have displayed many at RPM events. I set up a Flickr photo gallery a few years ago in order to share more model progress. While unpacking models in the new home, I realized there are many that haven’t been seen in awhile. I snapped photos and added those to the gallery. It’s become a digital model display room. I hope you find inspiration from the images.

There are lots of other Flickr sites with some great modeling. The Hindsight 20/20 Virtual RPM has an extensive gallery. The next Hindsight Virtual RPM is scheduled for December 5, 2023. I’ll post a note when registration opens.

Here are a few modelers with photo galleries that I’ve enjoyed.

These are just the tip of the iceberg. When you find a gallery you like, add it to your bookmarks so you can revisit to see any new additions. If you have a favorite gallery of prototype modeling, share the link in the comments.

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5 comments on “Online model displays

  1. Jim Britz on said:

    Fantastic photo of Malcolm Houck’s roster! Especially the older vintage locos with the low profile Wootten firebox, I think these are the first of such models I’ve ever seen. Looks like I’ll have to add a few new items to the top of my kit-bash list!

    • Eric Hansmann on said:

      Malcolm’s locos were a sight to behold. I had several enjoyable conversations with him through the event. BTW, he displayed another whole set of steam locos on day two. – Eric H.

  2. K Travers Stavac on said:


    I agree that RPM evets provide inspiration for modeling. Jim DuFour took some really excellent shots at the September 2023 Mid Atlantic RPM. He posted them to Flicker. I can’t seem to download a single photo from an album; does Flicker permit downloading of single photos? Any hints?

    Thanks, Travers, 9-22-23

    • Eric Hansmann on said:

      Travers, the MARPM gallery on Jim’s Flickr site looks great. I had a family commitment that kept me from attending. As far as downloading individual photos, I see a download arrow in the lower right corner of the black frame background. There may be an option for the site owner to not allow downloading, so that arrow might not be there on all photos. – Eric H.

  3. This comment is long overdue. Eric, thanks for recognizing me in this article. I too enjoy looking at photos of other modeler’s work. There’s lots of sites to view but Flikr is one of the best, IMO. This article has got me moving on photographing all my models. It will be a slow process but I’m happy to share my work with others and encourage questions on Flikr where I’ll try to respond.

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