The last blog post reviewed the new layout lighting that has improved the general room environment. Back in April, the workbench lighting was upgraded and I just didn’t get around to posting the details. Since it ties in well with last week, let’s take a look at the workbench lighting.
Tag: workbench
Shop Trucks
I’ve been a bit sluggish lately with the holiday season. I started a new model but it’s not ready for a blog summary. While working on it, I employed a pair of shop trucks. This is a tool that isn’t frequently mentioned but can be very handy around our work spaces. The above image shows part of my shop truck collection.
Annual task survey
It’s been a busy few months of 2016. Between working a temporary job, traveling to attend college graduations of four family members, and publishing weekly blog posts here and on the Resin Car Works blog, I haven’t worked much on my own layout. Work and travel have ended, to it’s time for the annual layout task survey.
Simple tools
Many different tools are used to build the models for our railroads. We have all collected a variety of tools over the years. From pliers to knives, tweezers to paint brushes, metal rulers to screwdrivers, our tool boxes and workbenches have quite the selection at hand. I’ve used a few tools recently that are not common but they were very helpful in completing a few projects.