I hope all those who model the 1920s through the 1940s have heard about the recent Tangent Scale Models GATX tank car release. Two of the paint and lettering schemes follow early 1920s practices and a few car numbers are available in each of those decorated styles. A couple of these models should be hitting my doorway soon.
These new tank cars and the upcoming Accurail 36-foot box cars have spurred me to update the guide to 1920s era HO scale plastic freight cars that is hosted on this blog. This page has become a resource for many modelers as they figure out their freight car fleet needs. It has the most views of any post or page on the blog. The Westerfield Models guide also has strong viewing numbers. I hope these pages and other blog posts are a valued resource for railroad modelers of all eras and scales.
A coming soon addition has been added to the 1920s era HO scale plastic freight cars page. Owl Mountain Models has flat car kits under development. These are F-50 series flat cars that will cover three Southern Pacific flat car classes in the post-Harriman era. They also make some neat flat car loads and detail parts for tank car upgrades. Check out their website for more.
Lastly, a few new links have been added to the Blogroll and Link menus on the right side of the main page. There’s lots of solid modeling to be seen at these sites and browsing through them makes for an enjoyable lunch break.
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