P&R GAc steel drop-door gondola kit

Bob McGlone sent an email the other day with an interesting model announcement. With his permission, it’s now a blog post.

I’d like to make early rail modelers aware of a new item that is now available. It’s a 3D printed model of the Philadelphia & Reading GAc class steel drop-door gondola.

The P&R received 1500 cars built in 1901 and 1902 by Cambria Steel of Johnstown, Pennsylvania. These cars were notable for several reasons:

  • an all-steel design using commercially available structural steel shapes rather than pressed steel parts [important because it facilitates repairs],
  • a 50 ton capacity
  • no side sills.

This last item was notable because it later proved to be a weakness. Prototype drawings and a photo are in the widely available 1906 Car Builders Dictionary.

The model was created in 3D by Doug Forbes, who also did the 3D printed P&R HKa hopper gondola, based on the plans and a prototype model built by me. The gondola can be purchased directly from Shapeways.

I have a limited quantity of decals available for this model. They were done by TT-West, the folks who also did the HKa decals. These decals are fabulous, as you can see on the model photos here. I need a magnifying glass to see some of the lettering!

Decals, resin coal load, and brass bars.

I also have a resin coal load available, plus three brass bars to use for weight between the center sills [which is optional]. Instructions are included, along with a parts list for completing the gondola. Decals are $6 postpaid. The resin coal loads are $7 postpaid. You can order both for $10 postpaid, and this also includes the brass bars. Here’s my address for ordering.

Robert McGlone, 602 Touchstone Circle, Port Orange, FL 32127

If you need multiples, please contact me directly at rjmcglone@hotmail.com for a combined price. Emailed instructions are included if you buy anything from me.

Please don’t sleep on this offer. You folks know how neat stuff can go away unexpectedly. This is a really cool model of an early steel drop door gondola. Nothing like it has ever been available.

The Shapeways model is also available in N scale but I have no supporting items for that one.

Thanks, Robert

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8 thoughts on “P&R GAc steel drop-door gondola kit”

  1. Really nice 3D design and model, wonder if it would be scaleable to S for a halfway rational price? Also Impressive is the way you guys collaborate.

    1. Chris, you would need to contact the file creator through Shapeways to discuss a different scale for the print. – Eric

  2. The blog would have been more helpful if Bob had provided an era range for his decal set. I am guessing the set being offered is only for the as-built cars. The were renumbered ca. 1926 at which time the P&R became the RDG. Also, there were MCB/ARA-mandated lettering changes in ~1918 and again in 1927. The cars apparently ran into the early 1930s — 950 still in service in my December, 1935, ORER, but were gone by ~1938. So, I can see the need for at least three distinct lettering schemes depending on the year(s) being modeled.

  3. How much did Shapeways charge for making the model for him? My EP&SW have some unique must have cars.

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