Here we are at RPM-East in Greensburg, PA. I’m posting this as a demo during my Introduction to Blogging presentation. There is a lively bunch of people here and the model room is filling up with some outstanding displays. Click on any image here to review a larger size.
The model room quickly filled with fine work in many scales.
Last night I operated on Ken Hanawalt’s Turtle Creek railroad until my legs had decided to call it a night. Several others RPM-East folks were operating on other area model railroads.
This is one of the many industrial towns served by the Turtle Creek railroad.
Friday is coming to a close but there is much more on tap for Saturday. I hope to post additional images soon.
As winter thaws, it becomes RPM season. Railroad Prototype Modeler meets are a great way to recharge the batteries after a tough winter. A solid presentation schedule and an extensive model display room are the two main components of these events. You will also meet some great people who share similar interests. I’ve enjoyed great conversations at RPM meets over the years that have pushed my model projects along. Many of these conversations have turned into wonderful friendships.
I’ll be attending RPM-East, which is coming up in just a couple of weeks. My presentation is about halfway ready.
Here’s a short list of upcoming RPM meets. Support the event that is close to your neighborhood.
New Jersey Model Railroad Layout Design and Operations Event
Summer is rapidly disappearing as the days shorten and the leaves begin to fall. A fabulous model railroad meet is taking shape that will inspire you to design, build, and/or operate your model railroad. The New Jersey Model Railroad Layout Design and Operations Event will take place November 2 & 3, 2013 at the Union County VoTech School in Scotch Plains, New Jersey. So far, this meet includes:
Eight Presentations
Model Railroad Design Panel Discussion
A Model Railroad Design and Operations Help Desk
Many tables of railroad models on display
Eleven open layouts to visit!
It’s quite a bundle for a registration of $10 (until October 26th).
Come on out and join the discussions on model railroad layout design and layout operations. Bring along some completed models or works in progress to display with other railroad prototype modelers. You will come home with new ideas for your layout and models. Don’t miss it!