2024 Mid Atlantic RPM report

I attended the 2024 Mid Atlantic Railroad Prototype Modeler (MARPM) event in metro Baltimore recently. In addition to the model railroad activities, I found the Heavy Seas brewery tap room just a few minutes from the hotel. But I know you are here for the model railroad stuff, so off we go!.

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Eckington Yards, 6/4/23. United States Washington D.C. Photograph. https://www.loc.gov/item/2016847637/

I’ve been noticing various types of cranes in prototype photos of team yards and tracks. They do not show up everywhere, but cranes are a detail to consider when modeling a scene in the 1900-1940 years. The 1923 image above documents passenger cars parked at a team yard in Washington DC for a Shriner’s convention. They aren’t easy to spot. but there are several cranes in the background.

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