Upcoming RPM events

Discussions underway at the Northeastern RPM event a couple of years ago.
Discussions are underway at the New England/Northeast RPM event a couple of years ago. Photo courtesy of Tom Murray from the NERPM 2012 photo gallery.

As we turn the corner to warmer months, several prototype modeler events are on the calendar. Check your schedule and grab a few friends to attend an upcoming prototype modeler event.

Just a few models on display at an RPM event.
Here are just a few of the models on display at an RPM event. Photo courtesy of Tom Murray from the NERPM 2011 photo gallery.

Mark up your calendar and choose a few models to display at the event. Consider taking your in-process work with notes on construction steps to share. Finished models are always welcome but the in-process work generates lots of conversations. Don’t miss an upcoming RPM event!


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2 comments on “Upcoming RPM events

  1. Paul on said:

    The Pacific Northwest RPM meet is this coming Saturday, May 21.


    The clinic lineup this year includes:
    Richard Yaremko: An overview of Richard’s Northern Pacific layout and the equipment he has created for it.
    Jim Ruffing: Modeling SP&S freight cars.
    Bruce Barney: The latest in 3D printing for model railroading.
    Doug Neighswonger: Urban Railroading Around Puget Sound.

    As always, a raffle will be held with prizes from many model railroad manufacturers.

    ALW Lines and Cannon & Company will be present selling their products direct to modelers.

    Entry fee is $18, or a discount of $15 if you bring models to display.

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