As we turn the corner to warmer months, several prototype modeler events are on the calendar. Check your schedule and grab a few friends to attend an upcoming prototype modeler event.
- Pacific Northwest RPM in Monroe, WA – Saturday, May 21
- New England/Northeast RPM in Enfield, CT – June 3 & 4, 2016
- Bay Area Prototype Modelers in Richmond, CA – June 18, 2016
- St Louis RPM in Collinsville, IL – August 12-13
- Mid-Atlantic RPM in Fredericksburg, VA – September 30 – October 1
- RPM Chicagoland in Lisle, IL – October 20-22
- Tracks to the Triangle MER-NMRA, Durham, NC – October 20 – 23
This NMRA event will feature RPM presentations and a model display room - Garden State RPM in Scotch Plains, NJ – November

Mark up your calendar and choose a few models to display at the event. Consider taking your in-process work with notes on construction steps to share. Finished models are always welcome but the in-process work generates lots of conversations. Don’t miss an upcoming RPM event!
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The Pacific Northwest RPM meet is this coming Saturday, May 21.
The clinic lineup this year includes:
Richard Yaremko: An overview of Richard’s Northern Pacific layout and the equipment he has created for it.
Jim Ruffing: Modeling SP&S freight cars.
Bruce Barney: The latest in 3D printing for model railroading.
Doug Neighswonger: Urban Railroading Around Puget Sound.
As always, a raffle will be held with prizes from many model railroad manufacturers.
ALW Lines and Cannon & Company will be present selling their products direct to modelers.
Entry fee is $18, or a discount of $15 if you bring models to display.
Thanks for the info, Paul. I’ve added the event and link to the list. – Eric