A couple blog features have been updated with new information. This happens periodically and it’s important to keep these resources up to date.
David Thompson shared additional details on B&O hoppers so the extra info has been added to the 1926 B&O hopper and coke car fleet PDF. The new file is available with the other B&O fleet reviews.
The guide to 1920s era HO scale plastic freight cars has been updated. Several links needed to be changed, especially for the Railway Prototype Cyclopedia references. The website and publishing business closed up since the last volume was published. New links lead to a PDF index so readers can find content for each volume.
All the Railmodel Journal reference links now lead directly to the appropriate issue. These magazines had all been scanned and uploaded to the Trainlife website, but the links changed after a website overhaul. Links now lead directly to the magazine issue relating to the model entry on the plastic freight car guide. Readers only need to scroll through to the right page after clicking the link. Many thanks for the folks at Exact Rail for maintaining the magazine resource site.
The new Rapido USRA boxcar model has been added to the list. I saw a couple very nice pre-production samples at the St Louis RPM. As an added bonus, larger model images are slowing being added to the guide. It may be a year before all the images are updated, but it’s a start.
Lastly, the RPM calendar has been updated as we swing into the busy months for prototype modeler events. Eight events are ahead in the next few months. Make plans to attend an RPM and take some models to display!
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Eric, thanks for keeping the pages up to date. These are a great resource to those of us doing pre-depression modeling (post WWI).
Thank you, Eric, for maintaining this site both as a resource and to share your own modeling. I appreciate your efforts.
Galen Gallimore