Brian Ehni attended the Red River RPM near Fort Worth on June 25th. He sent along a few images and notes on the event. Here’s Brian with the report.
We were in the Grand Ballroom of the Forest Hill Civic Center, with clinics in room 202 and a nearby break room. The room was pretty large. They had free water and soft drinks in the kitchen, which were paid for by the $20 entrance fee.
For a second year event, I was impressed by the number of displays and vendors.
Jimmie Pottberg displayed a 3D printed grain elevator. The model is full HO scale with a box car for scale.
One of my friends was there who retired from the BNSF. He is modeling the last MP Texas Eagle to leave Dallas. Cars are HO scale scratch built with lots of Archer rivets. His info even includes which way each car was facing. The trestle seen at the far right is the third leg of the wye at Dallas Union Station, which hung out into the Trinity River basin.
Vendors included prolific Texas-centric railroad history author Steve Allen Goen, Bethlehem Car Works, at least two 3D print businesses, several smaller retailers, plus a large display by Spring Creek Model Trains out of Nebraska!
Overall, I had a great time. I wish the clinic schedule was a little heavier. Four through the day seemed light. Maybe next year!
Brian Ehni
Thank you, Brian for your Red River RPM notes! Here’s Ryan Harris’s gallery of images from the Red River event. There’s lots more to explore in these photos!

A few more RPM events were held in June. The Bay Area Prototype Modelers (BAPM) gathered on June 18. Tony Thompson posted a couple event summaries on his blog. Here’s Part 2, which has a link to Part 1.
The New England Railroad Prototype Modeler (NERPM) meet was held June 10 & 11 in Springfield, MA. Almost thirty presentations filled the days and quite a few models were displayed. There are several NERPM photo galleries on their Facebook page. You do not need to be a Facebook user to view their page and photo galleries.
Seven more railroad prototype modeler events are set for the last half of 2022. Check the RPM Calendar for an RPM near you. Bookmark the page so you can check it in future months.
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