2022 hobby review

I’ve been thinking about the last year and my hobby activities. I clicked through many project photos to refresh my thoughts. The lead photo jogged my memory on the snowfall we had at our Tennessee home to kick off 2022. We tend to forget things once an event has passed or project is completed. Since I didn’t have a layout in 2022, the completed models went into a storage box.

I started an annual review years ago in a club. It was in early January when a member exclaimed, “Let’s get something done this year!” I looked around the club layout then pointed out nearly two dozen projects completed in the previous year. Several members had forgotten about many of those. We all need an occasional reminder.

For me, a look back can also guide my path forward. It was a year ago when I built several HO scale Jordan trucks. I’ll need more vehicles for the next layout project so I may crank out a few more this year.

I completed eight resin freight car kits in 2022, which is fewer than usual. Somehow I missed sharing this completed Westerfield Models Chicago & Northwestern box car on this blog.

My year wasn’t typical as most of July through September was lost to family and health issues. December rolled around and hobby work was curtailed to pack up the house for a move to Philadelphia. Eight new freight cars doesn’t seem too bad in retrospect.

Matt Hurst displayed his H&BT 2-8-0 at the Mid Atlantic RPM.

I participated in several 2022 model railroad events. A trip to Tulsa for a March operations and layout design weekend was great fun. In May, I attended the Indy Junction NMRA tri-region convention and RPM. I journeyed to Baltimore for the Mid Atlantic RPM in September. Additionally, I worked with the Nashville NMRA division to hold a one day mini meet in early October.

I had missed these type of hobby events in the pandemic years. Hanging out with friends, meeting new modelers, and attending presentations recharges my energies. I always come home inspired for a new project. There are several RPM events already set for 2023.

With 2022 in the rear view mirror and having moved to a new city, I’m looking forward to 2023. I hope to offer a report on a new home and hobby space soon.

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6 comments on “2022 hobby review

  1. H.L. Monroe on said:

    Looking forward to following along with your progress in your new location, Eric. Appreciate all you’ve done and continue to do for our hobby. Stay on track!

  2. Rick De Candido on said:

    Hi Eric
    That C&NW box car looks excellent! Well done.

  3. Bob Stetser on said:

    Welcome to the Philly area. I’m in the Bethlehem PA area, about 45 miles north of you, if you ever want to visit, just let me know. I have built many resin kits and enjoy your blog. Bob Stetser, my flickr page: https://www.flickr.com/photos/194451419@N05/.

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