HO wood coal gondola

I recently came across an email thread by Doug Forbes and this interesting Illinois Traction wood coal gondola model. This is a 3D printed model that Doug created using computer software. Doug’s original interests began with the Illinois Central but he has gravitated to the Illinois Traction System for a unique kind of model building. He enjoys putting together freight cars that are out of the norm.

I’d say this freight car is out of the norm! It’s been exciting to see Doug update the print file and move this model along towards service.

Here’s a look at the printed model that has been cleaned up with a K brake system installed. Doug used Grandt Line HOn3 K brake components to reflect the slightly smaller hardware used on late 19th century freight cars.

A coat of primer reveals the detail in the printed model.

Doug has been working on a few cars to display at an upcoming Illinois Traction Society meet. From left to right you can see compare the printed coal gondola model with a ballast car and a resin Funaro & Camerlengo Great Northern coal and ore car (kit 6460) modified to represent an ITS wood side coal hopper.

Doug also created lettering art for decals to fit the model. As you can see, it looks great with a class A motor. While Doug models the ITS, he followed plans for a Pennsylvania Railroad GB class wood gondola to create the file as it mirrors the model he needed. Doug has made this available to purchase via Shapeways in a few different scales.

The HO scale model is designed to accept Tahoe Model Works five-foot arch bar trucks (TMW 111/211), and Kadee coupler boxes. The Shapeways print does not include brake detail, trucks, or couplers. Doug offers additional model development images and details through a Model Railroad Hobbyist blog.

Doug’s work represents just one of many models available as 3D prints through Shapeways. This is how the model railroad hobby is changing for people who focus on early eras and different scales. Check out Doug’s Shapeways link then click on a tag for one of the scales to review the detail parts and full models that are listed. It’s pretty amazing.

Thanks to Doug Forbes for sharing his work and I hope we see more of his modeling soon!

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One comment on “HO wood coal gondola

  1. John Golden on said:

    Neat post, Eric, thank you. Doug is the driving force behind the C&EI Historical Society and is an excellent modeler and friend. The ITS annual gathering was just held in Litchfield a few weeks ago and it was a big hit. The C&EI HS and care will be at St. Louis RPM in July and i hope to see these models there is person.

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