Time out!

I can’t believe it is almost mid-October. It seemed like August was just a week ago. The last several weeks have flown right by as several projects have kept me busy.

A few projects are connected to RPM events. I displayed eight models at the recent Mid-Atlantic Railroad Prototype Modeler meet (MARPM). I completed decal work on a Westerfield Models B&O M-15b double-sheathed boxcar kit, as seen above. Several small decals bits were cut and nudged into place for the 1926 weigh date and location. It was just a little tedious.

I took several photos at MARPM but not all turned out well. I’ve posted a representative sampling at my RPM photo galleries. Once again, I forgot to take photos of my own models. Shannon Crabtree also took a bunch of photos and you can visit his gallery to see additional documentation of the RPM.

I also finished modifications on an Accurail 36-foot double-sheathed boxcar to reflect the B&O M-23 class cars. I worked to keep as much of the factory lettering as possible. Now I need to write up the details for a future issue of the B&O Modeler electronic magazine.

In the end, the model work was deeply rewarding and the MARPM event was fantastic! I saw some great presentations on a variety of subjects. I also caught up with several friends and bought a couple items from the vendor room. Win. Win. Win!

Many RPM events feature open house hours at area model railroads. I was able to visit a few outstanding layouts. In the photo above, I’ve picked my jaw up off the floor at Bernard Kempinski’s stunning O scale layout depicting the U. S. Military Railroad (USMRR) Aquia-Fredericksburg line in 1863. Many thanks to Gerald Fitzgerald for grabbing my camera to snap the photo. I’m not good at selfies.

Wait, there’s more!

Since the MARPM event, I’ve kept busy pushing more models towards completion. RPM Chicagoland is next on the calendar in two weekends. I look forward to seeing a bunch of model railroad friends and displaying a few new models.

In other news, I’ve been assisting with the monthly production of Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine. As Editor-at-Large, I’ve been prepping articles for publication and proofreading just before a new issue is released. The October issue features my editorial. Click here for a jump to the forum topic on the editorial then click on my picture to read the piece. Model Railroad Hobbyist is a free, monthly magazine with lots of tips and features to help you enjoy the hobby.

Time to wrap this up and return to the workbench. I’ve got to decal another boxcar side. I hope to see you at RPM Chicagoland!

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8 comments on “Time out!

  1. Andy Roberts on said:

    Great looking cars Eric (as always). I have a few pictures of your models on display at MARPM and will send them via email.

  2. JKim Kubanick on said:


    Very nice looking fleet at the top of the page. I think I recognize most of the freight car kits, but the 4-6-0 is a puzzle for me. What is the origin? It looks like a nice small engine that could fit into a number of operating periods.

    • Eric Hansmann on said:

      Thanks for your comment, Jim. That 4-6-0 is a Bachmann Spectrum model. They produced those with high and low boiler versions, along with two different driver sizes and two different tenders. I think there is some lens distortion so the loco boiler looks long. – Eric

  3. Robert J. Thomas on said:

    These are great Eric! I enjoyed your column in MRH this month and the interview on Model Rail Radio. I would be interested to know if you have posted sources for ladders, grab irons, roof walks, etc. Maybe it is on the blog somewhere already. I have not explored all of the posts just yet.

    -Bob T.

    • Eric Hansmann on said:

      Thanks for your comment, Bob! I don’t think I’ve posted sources for detail parts. Most come with the kits, which often have extra grab irons that are saved. Tichy offers lots of detail parts. I use their K brake castings. They also sell phosphor-bronze wire that I use for brake staffs, brake rods, and to bend grab irons. Yarmouth Model Works offers additional detail parts that I find handy for upgrading models. I hope that helps. – Eric

  4. Lou N on said:


    The B&O boxcar looks great, nice job on that one. Regarding your editorial – it is amazing how time flies, since the St Louis RPM meet I haven’t really done a whole lot of modeling, although I have almost finished my rail bender based on Steve Royston’s MRH article.
    I’m headed to Cincinnati for the SWOOPS event this weekend, really looking forward to that.

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