2019 RPM Chicagoland summary

A Burlington 2-10-2 lugs a freight on the HO scale Midwest Mod-U-Trak layout in the RPM Chicagoland model display room.

I’m still catching up from the RPM Chicagoland prototype modeler event. I enjoyed meeting many modelers, renewing friendships, attending presentations, viewing a wide variety of models on display, and visiting a couple local layouts.

Prototype modeler events are where I recharge my creative batteries and return home with ideas to move projects along. I don’t think I can come home from these empty-handed. There is a wealth of information gathered in conversations, presentations, and reviewing the display models.

Several Pre-Depression Era railroad modelers attended the event. The above photo documents the Pirate Crewe gathering for a Friday pizza lunch. Yours truly in the lower left needs longer arms to take better group shots. Two additional Pirates attended on Saturday.

As you can guess, I took a few photos. I’ve tweaked over 120 images and have posted them on my pBase gallery. I try my best to capture names and model scales, but I do make mistakes. Please leave a comment here with the proper corrections and I’ll update the details.

Many thanks to Mike and Katie Skibbe, and their RPM event crew for another fantastic event!

Now I need to catch up on a few other things, like reviewing the prototype photos and model kits that I purchased at the RPM. Check out the RPM calendar for upcoming events. Make plans to attend and take some models to display.

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3 comments on “2019 RPM Chicagoland summary

  1. I appreciate the photo gallery from the RPM show. I know it is a lot of work to edit this many photos. Thanks, Eric.

  2. Tom Schmidt on said:

    Enjoyed the photos Eric. Many talented guy’s showed what can be done.

  3. Tom Tyndall on said:

    I also appreciate the photo editing. Thanks for widening the influence of craftsmanship.

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