Pay attention…

I’ve been moving a few models forward on the production line. A pair of Nickel Plate Road wood gondolas have been decaled. With momentum on my side, I was excited to decal a pair of Funaro & Camerlengo PRR GR gondolas next. They are in the lead image, all painted and ready for decals.

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Workbench update – May 2020

It’s been a busy hobby month, as travel beyond home has been reduced. I’ve seen many modelers share their recent work over the last month. I’ve snapped images of a few models that have been on the workbench recently.

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Lettering questions

I’ve had a Westerfield Models HO scale Pennsylvania Railroad X23 resin boxcar kit ready to letter for several years. One of my 2020 resolutions was to finish this model. That’s when I found out the prototype lettering had several changes over a short period of time.

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Gloss coat and RPMs

A couple models have inched forward in the finishing process. I recently painted and decaled a couple of box cars. I employ several steps to move a model from the undecorated state to one that is ready to weather. The B&O M-15b seen in this lead photo has a fresh gloss coat.

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Reading composite mill gondola

There is great satisfaction in completing a freight car kit that was started nearly a decade ago. This Reading composite mill gondola was recently decaled and weathered. Funaro & Camerlengo produces this HO scale resin kit with decals for Reading or Central of New Jersey owners. The kit supplied Reading decals reflected a late steam era presentation. As I model 1926, this gondola has been used in an undecorated state for awhile. Click on any image here to review a larger size.

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