Moving Along

Delano, Jack, photographer. Chicago, Illinois. Loading a freight car in the freight house of a Chicago and Northwestern Railroad yard. Dec. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.

It is time to pack up the house and move to a new place. My lovely wife has accepted a new employment opportunity so we will depart El Paso late this month!

A last Wheeling Freight Terminal (WFT) operating session is planned for next week with the New Mexico and Texas crew. I plan to pack the books, magazines, and hobby supplies in the upcoming week. Once the locomotives and rolling stock are stowed, the layout will disassemble easily. The WFT was built in sections and designed to transport. It has already moved across town and now we shall see how it will survive 1300 miles in a moving van.

We are renting for our first year so the layout will be reassembled in a spare bedroom. Our destination is metro-Nashville, Tennessee! If you live in the area and are interested in model railroad operations, post a comment below, send a private message via Facebook, or drop me an email and I will be in touch privately.

The move will affect the frequency of these blog posts and those on the Resin Car Works blog, which I manage. A few posts are on hand but there will be a week off here and there in the course of the next couple of months.

This blog started nearly eight years ago to document my hobby journey. As many readers know, this is not our first move and I doubt it will be our last. We look forward to embracing new challenges and opportunities as we move from far west Texas to middle Tennessee.



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29 comments on “Moving Along

  1. John Huey on said:

    Good luck and best wishes on the move!

  2. Rick De Candido on said:

    Hello Eric,
    Best Wishes for an easy move and much happiness in your new home.

  3. Jim Kindred on said:

    El Paso is nice but you will very much enjoy living in middle Tennessee, the Nashville area especially. I live about three hours from there, hope to arrange to met you one day as I am in the Nashville area frequently.

  4. Bill Uffelman on said:

    Good luck with the move. You will enjoy Nashville – certainly different than El Paso!

  5. John Albaneze on said:

    Safe travels!

  6. Rick Mink on said:

    Eric, Praying that your move goes smoothly. Nashville is one of our favorite cities. I think you will enjoy the significant change in scenery.

    Best Regards,

  7. Jeff Sankus on said:

    I hope your move is swift and smooth.


  8. Mike Niedzalkoski on said:

    Good Luck on your upcoming move! Any chance this leads to your next theme after the Wheeling terminal?

  9. Nashville is the airport we typically use to visit my folks in Maryville, a few hours from there. I am sure at some point there will be an overnight in the travel plan at Nashville, so I have hopes of someday at least visiting, if not operating your railroad. Looking forward to seeing how the railroad moves and in what configuration it will end up.

    All the best to you and yours for a safe and successful move.


  10. Good luck with the move and good forethought on having built the layout in sections.

  11. Matt Goodman on said:

    The move and location is just in time for and a perfect location for the 8/21/17 total eclipse. I’m sometimes sent down to the Gallatin, TN area for work – I’ll be in touch.

  12. Tom Klosterman on said:

    Good luck with the move and reassembly.

  13. Jerry Swift on said:

    Goodluck on the move. Be sure to set up the rest of the house before you set up the railroad or you will be in deep doo doo.

  14. Nevin Wilson on said:

    I’ve moved my railroad now twice. It is a pain but it is still much easier to reassemble it than starting over from scratch. Building it in sections is a huge advantage. Good luck – Nevin

  15. Bill Vaughn on said:

    Good luck on the move and new area with new friends.

  16. Lester Breuer on said:

    Safe move and travel.

  17. Chip Stevens on said:

    Nearing (I hope) the end of our move, I wish you safe travels and no mishaps.

  18. Bob Chapman on said:

    Adding prayers that your layout move goes well. A few years back I moved some layout sections built to withstand hurricanes, but apparently not moving vans. The good news — the damage was nothing that couldn’t be repaired. Hopefully your luck will be better. You may want to see if the moving van has a “rider car”. 🙂

  19. Rhett Graves on said:

    I live in Huntsville, AL and would love to operate your layout some day!

  20. George Toman on said:

    Best of luck on your move. May you have safe travels. Looking forward to updates as you reassemble the WFT.

  21. Joe R on said:

    Good luck with the move and the new location. Suggestion — Since a number of us face the possibility of having to move layouts at some point in the future, it would be a huge service to hobby if you could and would describe in detail how you go about disassembling your layout, crating it for shipment and how it turns out.

  22. Steve Hedlund on said:

    I was planning on a trip down to El Paso this summer. Bummer that you won’t be there. BTW, what are the Chihuahuas going to do without their #1 fans?

  23. Fred Huss on said:

    I would like to welcome you to Middle Tennessee. I live in Franklin, about 20 miles south of Nashville. Will be happy to show you around and introduce you to our HO club in Nolensville. Give me a shout when you’re ready to explore.

  24. Lou Nigro on said:


    My wife and I just moved to Crossville, TN about an hour and a half from Nashville. Don’t have a layout yet, but I’m in the planning stages for one in the basement. I would like to see and/or operate on your layout once your up and running.

    Our move went well, albeit it rained the entire time from Denver to TN. We do like it here in TN, very friendly place.

    Safe travels…

  25. Gary Ray on said:

    Good luck with your move. Personally, I like Nashville much better than El Paso. Lived in El Paso in 1966, visited Nashville in 1986, so my opinion is somewhat dated. So smart of you to build in sections. I’ll never move because of both my Mother and mother-in-law are here and require help so I didn’t worry about moving. So of course, one of my daughters just moved to San Antonio, but the other is most likely going to Seattle. Really appreciate your blog. Good luck with the move and I hope the layout travels safely.

  26. Warren on said:

    Excellent! I live an hour from Nash-Vegas. Your moving here may pique my interest in model railroading again!

  27. Dick Bradley on said:

    May your move be as successful as your modeling.

  28. Marshall Keys on said:

    I got my Ph.D. In English at Vanderbilt lo these many years ago. I took up model railroading at the same time as a way of avoiding my dissertation. Thus Nashville has fond memories, though I am still model railroading and haven’t professed English in many years.

    It has the best climate I have ever lived in: four distinctly different seasons of almost equal length. A few snows in the winter, a few hot days in the summer. Both the snow and the heat go away quickly.

    The other advantage is Nashville’s central location. It seems like it’s a non-stop flight or 500 road miles from everywhere, perfect for a prototype modeler.

  29. robert moeller on said:

    Moved my self, also from south to north, but started further north, Albany NY to Stowe VT. I’m gladly in the snow bowl of VT.

    Used the 1700 series Accurail 36′ kit for a Central Vermont Railway 36′ box car. These cars were almost identical to NYC 36′ boxcars, were later rebuilt with double channel steel ends. Does the Accurail 36′ 1300 series work for that? Some cars later had Ajax brake wheels.

    Finally some became MOW cars.

    Moveable benchwork makes the not quite started layout move pretty easy.

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