Other cities

Photo from the John W. Barriger III National Railroad Library.

The Wheeling Freight Terminal is set in Wheeling, WV, but there were similar facilities in other cities across the country. The above photo arrived via email this week from another modeler who is looking for layout inspiration. The photo is from the extensive John W. Barriger III National Railroad Library Flickr site, which is another amazing web resource.

A couple elements in this aerial image jump right out so let’s take a closer look.

Continue reading “Other cities”

Simple Tools – 2


Simple tools were popular here a couple of months ago. Fellow pre-Depression Era modeler Dave Emery shared several ideas so he steps in as a guest blogger with more details. Take it away, Dave!

The HO scale cigar factory seen above is more than just wood shapes, plastic castings, paint, decals, and other parts. It is the sum of work done with an assortment of common and uncommon tools. Let’s take a look at some of the uncommon tools from my workbench that helps me move projects forward.

Continue reading “Simple Tools – 2”

Virtual RPM – 2


I recently received photos and descriptions of the latest models Jim in West Virginia. I realized he had sent several other photos over the last year. It’s been a little while since we had a virtual RPM post, so let’s catch up with Jim’s work! A list of upcoming RPM events is reviewed at the end of this post. As with most images on the blog, click on any to review a larger size.

Continue reading “Virtual RPM – 2”

Spring RPM season again!


As winter thaws, it becomes RPM season. Railroad Prototype Modeler meets are a great way to recharge the batteries after a tough winter. A solid presentation schedule and an extensive model display room are the two main components of these events. You will also meet some great people who share similar interests. I’ve enjoyed great conversations at RPM meets over the years that have pushed my model projects along. Many of these conversations have turned into wonderful friendships.

I’ll be attending RPM-East, which is coming up in just a couple of weeks. My presentation is about halfway ready.

Here’s a short list of upcoming RPM meets. Support the event that is close to your neighborhood.

If I missed your event. drop me a note in the comments below.

Participation, motivation, and RPM meets

An idle freight yard before an operating session.
An idle freight yard before an operating session.

I’ve had random hobby thoughts recently that seem to be related. Over the course of the last month, I’ve hosted an operating session, attended another operating session, and attended an NMRA division meeting. I intentionally altered my schedule to participate in these events. Why? I guess I would have just thrown out a simple, “Because it’s fun,” response in the past. But I’ve become keenly aware that personal participation in activities with other hobbyists directly effects my hobby enjoyment. It’s not just about listening to others talk about a specific subject but taking part in a conversational process that gives me a good feeling.

Continue reading “Participation, motivation, and RPM meets”