Resource finds

December is often a tough month to find hobby time. The holidays, family commitments, job stuff, and more pull away the free time we had in other months. The next few blog posts here will feature some handy resources for you to review. I hope they will inspire new ideas and models in the New Year.

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Weathering Demo

A new Rapido Trains FPA-2 gets a workout just east of San Bernardino on the Middle Tennessee Model Railroad Club’s Salt Lake Route.

Since moving to metro-Nashville several months ago, I’ve met many local model railroaders. Recently, I had a few email exchanges about weathering with a couple of modelers. Questions and answers went back and forth. After a few messages, I volunteered to lead an informal weathering demonstration.

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Pushing ahead

I send a big Thank You to the readers who shared comments on The Blahs post last week. I started work on a couple of box cars the next day. I also broke out some stored equipment and ran a coal train on the Salt Lake Route club layout in nearby Nolensville on Monday evening. The lead image shows the coal train en route from Ogden to Los Angeles. Continue reading “Pushing ahead”

The Blahs

Not much has been happening with the Wheeling Freight Terminal since the new lights were installed. A Labor Day weekend away was followed by a wicked head cold that kept me down for a few days. My wife and I have been looking at homes to purchase, which is very exciting but it doesn’t inspire work on the current layout. I’ve got the “hobby blahs” at the moment. Continue reading “The Blahs”

From the air

Here’s a photo I nearly forgot about. I took this from a Southwest flight into Pittsburgh in March 2017 as I traveled to the RPM-East meet. As you can see, the weather cooperated for a nice look over the Ohio River Valley. This is just downriver from Wheeling, W. Va., and where the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad crossed the Ohio River. Click on any image here to review a larger size.

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